Reception Class

Age: 4-5 years

Duration: 8.30-15.30 or 8.30-18.30

Reception age is when a child will attend school for the first time in the UK. It represents a year that is designed to develop skills in the 7 areas of learning. These 7 areas will shape how your child’s learning is celebrated and shared with you, as well as building the important skills that they will call upon in their lifelong learning. The 7 areas of development are:

  1. Communication & Language
  2. Physical Development
  3. Personal, Social & Emotional Development
  4. Literacy
  5. Mathematics
  6. Understanding the World
  7. Expressive Arts & Design

In Reception at Park Kultury Nursery, your child will be in a large, spacious classroom filled with natural light and a variety of activities that will create a balance between self initiated learning and teacher led activities. Children will be encouraged to explore, question and learn from the resources carefully planned for them each day. Staff will be fully interactive during self initiated play to extend a child’s learning, offer new and exciting alternatives to ideas and be recording quotes and key learning experiences for each child’s learning journey. Staff will also encourage each child’s independence in both their learning and self care. Throughout the year, Reception’s learning will be shaped by a variety of different themes and topics, designed to help them make sense of the world around them.


Through English nursery rhymes, traditional stories and rhythmical verse, your child will be exposed to patterns of language and be able to develop their listening skills in preparation for early reading. The classroom will be language rich with books, role play opportunities, signs and words in order to develop speaking and listening. Children will be encouraged to imaginatively play and articulate their thinking with each other. Early and immersive writing skills will also be encouraged (such as writing a shopping list for the role play shop, even though this might include single letters for each item like “e” for eggs and “s” for sausages). Makaton signs and daily routines such as arriving at school, greeting each other, snack and mealtimes, toilet time, playtime and home time will continue be utilised to develop repetitive vocabulary.


Children will continue to develop compassion, empathy and an understanding of how they are similar and different from their classmates through the exploration of different countries and cultures. Topics will explore themes such as food, language, dress, education, family values and games in different places around the world. Children will be given simple responsibilities throughout the day such as leading the line, tidying areas of the classroom, pouring their classmates a drink or helping the adults to develop a sense of contribution towards society and how to work together and help each other.


Children will continue to be encouraged to ask questions and explore objects and ideas that interest them. They will be encouraged and celebrated when they direct their own learning inside and outside the classroom. Adults will continue to interact naturally and enthusiastically in both self initiated and adult led activities in order to make learning visible and stimulating. The classroom environment will encourage curiosity with displays such as ‘Wonder Walls’ and activities that encourage exploration. Adults will lead small groups in more directed learning to develop inquiry (asking questions) and build on skills in the 7 areas of development.


Children will express and articulate themselves inside and outside through the use of resources and learning experiences such as arts and crafts, role play and story telling, musical experimentation, fine and gross motor skill development and song. Children will begin to develop ways to share their creative thinking with others; such as writing, drawing, building, sculpting and imaginary play.

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